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Top 10 Accounting Firms in Mumbai: An Insider's Look

Are you looking for the best accounting firms in Mumbai? Look no further! We've got an insider's look at the top 10 accounting firms

Top 10 Accounting Firms in Mumbai: An Insider's Look
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Are you looking for the best accounting firms in Mumbai? Look no further! We've got an insider's look at the top 10 accounting firms in one of India's busiest cities. From big-name international companies to local startups, this list has it all. Whether you're a business owner or startup founder trying to find the right partner or an accountant looking for career opportunities, our guide will provide valuable insights into what makes these firms stand out from the crowd.

So let's dive in and discover the cream of Mumbai's accounting crop!

What Makes a Good Accounting Firm?

There are many factors that go into making a good accounting firm. First and foremost, the firm must have a strong team of qualified accountants. The accountants should be experienced and knowledgeable in all areas of accounting, including auditing, taxation, and financial management. Furthermore, the firm should have a good reputation in the industry and should be able to provide its clients with quality service. Finally, the firm should be able to offer competitive rates.

Top 10 Accounting Firms in Mumbai

In Mumbai, the top 10 accounting firms are:

  1. Jordensky (of course)
  2. KPMG
  3. Ernst & Young
  4. Deloitte
  5. PwC
  6. Grant Thornton
  7. DSK Legal
  8. BDO India
  9. N M Raiji & Co LLP
  10. Lodha & Co LLP

How to Choose the best outsourced bookkeeping and accounting firm

When it comes to choosing an accounting firm, there are a few things you should take into consideration. First and foremost, you want to make sure that the firm you choose is reputable and has a good track record. You'll also want to consider the size of the firm and its geographical location. Mumbai is home to many large accounting firms, so you'll have plenty of options to choose from.

Another thing to keep in mind is what services the firm offers. Some firms specialize in tax preparation, while others offer a full range of accounting services. Make sure you choose a firm that can meet your specific needs.

Finally, don't forget to ask around for recommendations. Talk to your friends, family, and colleagues to see if they have any suggestions for good accounting firms in Mumbai. With a little bit of research, you should be able to find the perfect firm for your needs.

At Jordensky, we understand the unique challenges faced by startups and businesses, and we offer flexible pricing options that provide excellent value for money. Our customer-centric approach means that you can rely on us for responsive customer support and effective communication channels to address any queries or concerns promptly.

How to evaluate the best outsourced accounting solution provider in Mumbai

How to evaluate the best accounting solution provider

1. Expertise and Experience

Look for a company with an established track record of offering accounting solutions, as well as experienced personnel that are familiar with accounting practises and local rules.

2. Service Offerings

Consider the provider's breadth and depth of accounting services. A solid accounting solution provider should be able to provide a wide range of services that are tailored to your individual business needs, such as bookkeeping, tax planning, financial reporting, payroll processing, and other services.

3. Tools and Technology

A smart accounting solution provider in today's digital age should offer cutting-edge technology and tools that streamline accounting procedures and give accurate and timely financial information. Accounting software, cloud-based solutions, and other technology resources that can improve efficiency and accuracy may be included.

4. Reputation and Client Testimonials

Look for reviews, testimonials, and references from current or previous clients to analyse the accounting solution provider's reputation. Positive feedback from delighted customers can be an indication of their service quality and dependability.

5. Compliance and Security

Accounting involves the processing of sensitive financial information, so it's critical to select a service that conforms to regulatory compliance rules and has rigorous security measures in place to protect your data from unauthorised access or breaches.

6. Pricing and Value for Money

Consider the accounting solution provider's pricing structure and the value for money they deliver. It is critical to strike a balance between cost and service quality to guarantee you obtain the greatest accounting solution for your business needs within your budget.

7. Customer Support and Communication

When working with an accounting solution provider, it is critical to have strong customer support and communication channels. Check that the provider has responsive customer service and effective communication channels in place to resolve any questions, problems, or difficulties that may occur throughout your interaction with them.

Before deciding on the best accounting solution provider in Mumbai or any other place, remember to conduct thorough research, evaluate multiple solutions, and consider your individual business requirements. To make an informed selection, it is always essential to conduct due diligence and, if necessary, seek professional guidance.

Benefits of Choosing an Outsourced Accounting Firm

When it comes to running a business, there are a lot of different moving parts. From marketing and sales to production and shipping, every aspect of your business needs to be carefully managed in order to ensure success. One area that is often overlooked, however, is accounting.

While it may seem like a mundane task, keeping accurate financial records is essential to the success of any business. Without accurate financial data, it can be difficult to make informed decisions about where to allocate resources or how to grow your company. This is where an accounting firm can be invaluable.

There are many benefits to working with an outsourced accounting firm in Mumbai. Here are just a few:

1. Access to Expertise

When you work with an accounting firm, you have access to a team of experts who can help you navigate the complex world of finance. From bookkeeping and tax preparation to financial planning and advice, an accounting firm can provide the support you need to make sound decisions for your business.

2. Save Time

Working with an accounting firm can save you a significant amount of time. Rather than having to handle all of the financial tasks yourself, you can rely on the expertise of your accountants to take care of everything for you. This frees up your time so that you can focus on other aspects of your business.

3. Reduce Stress

Let’s face it – dealing with finances can be stressful. By working with an experienced team of accountants,

Why Jordensky is top bookkeeping and accounting solution provider in Mumbai

Jordensky should be chosen as a bookkeeping and accounting solution provider by startups and businesses for the following reasons:

  • We have a staff of competent accounting professionals who are well-versed in accounting practises and local requirements.
  • We provides comprehensive services that encompass all parts of bookkeeping and accounting, guaranteeing that all financial aspects of a firm are correctly maintained.
  • We employs cutting-edge technology and accounting solutions to expedite procedures and ensure efficiency and accuracy.
  • We follows local legislation and employs stringent security procedures to safeguard sensitive financial data.
  • We offers customised solutions that are suited to the specific needs of each client.
  • We offers reasonable and flexible pricing options that provide good value for money.
  • We delivers responsive customer assistance, ensuring that their clients have a seamless experience.

In conclusion, Jordensky's knowledge, comprehensive services, technology-driven approach, compliance and security measures, customised solutions, cost-effective pricing, and prompt customer support position them as a top alternative for businesses' bookkeeping and accounting needs.


Finding the right accounting firm for your business is an important decision that should not be taken lightly. With so many accounting firms to choose from in Mumbai, it can be difficult to narrow down your options. We hope this list of top 10 accounting firms in Mumbai has helped you find the perfect fit and given you valuable insight into what each company offers. As always, make sure to do your research before committing to any one firm and pick a team that will meet all of your needs!

Don't let accounting complexities hold your startup or business back. Trust Jordensky as your bookkeeping and accounting solution provider, and experience unparalleled service that will help you achieve your financial goals with confidence. Contact us today to learn more about how Jordensky can be your trusted partner in accounting excellence!

Akash Bagrecha

Co-Founder of Jordensky