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Top Tips for founders to find the right accounting solution provider

Top Tips for founders to find the right accounting solution provider

Top Tips for founders to find the right accounting solution provider
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You now require an accountant for your new business. Accounting, after all, assists you in making the day-to-day business decisions necessary to ensure the financial health and expansion of your company. Choosing the best accounting firms for your startup business is made easier with the help of Startup Accounting 101, a resource for accounting tips for startups.

Why is accounting important for the startup ?

A company without accounting could be nothing more than an idea—and a terrible one at that! Whatever your company's objectives, revenue is necessary to stay afloat.

New founder frequently prefer to handle every aspect of running their businesses themselves. Simple bookkeeping software enables them to save money on this, but most of the time it comes at the expense of time and effort that could be better spent elsewhere in the company.

Right accounting provides you with forecasts on when revenue will arrive, cash flow planning, and an overview of the overall health of the company. An accountant oversees and manages your finances, tax preparation, and assist with you to scale your business operations by providing right set of financial information. They can also identify irregularities and problem areas in your money management strategies, which can put your small business on the path to success.

How much should startups spend on accounting?

Accounting is essential to the success of your company, so we do not recommend cutting corners, but we understand that budgets are tight for new companies as well. We at Jordensky are working with more than 100+ startups and for the majority of startups and small businesses, a typical standard in accounting is to allocate around 2-5% of their revenue to bookkeeping expenses. This budget covers the necessary costs of hiring a professional accounting service provider, acquiring accounting software, and any additional administrative expenses needed to maintain precise financial records.

Are accountant and bookkeepers the same?

Processing transactions and maintaining organized and documented daily finances are the tasks of bookkeeping for new businesses. On the other hand, startup accountants will give you a financial analysis based on the information from your bookkeepers. For assistance with forecasting, tax filing, and startup accounting strategy, you would contact an accountant. An accountant may occasionally supervise a bookkeeper's work.

What to look for in a startup accountant

Looking at what a potential accountant has accomplished for others is the best way to gauge their worth. Examine online reviews and get references from previous customers. You can tell a lot about whether someone will work well with you based on their experience and level of understanding of your business stage. If there are any complaints on the accounting firm's record, you can look them up online and conduct a background check. In order to fully understand your goals for the partnership, the ideal candidate will probe you with specific questions. When you make your choice, you should feel comfortable.

Seek communication that is clear and unambiguous

Working with accounting service providers requires good communication. When searching for companies or experts, find out if they value open communication and are readily available to answer your questions and concerns. Having clear communication channels is essential to keeping you informed about your startup's financial health and enabling you to make timely and accurate decisions.

Ask for References

Before making a final decision, do not forget to ask the prospective accounting service providers for the desired referees. Make an effort to get in touch with a few of their previous or current clients and inquire about their experiences dealing with this kind of company or individual. Additionally, consider setting up meetings or consultations to gain a better understanding of their methodology, level of experience, and alignment with the goals and values of your organization.

How to Hire an Accountant for Startups

A startup's dream accounting service is one that grows with the company. Hiring an accountant to take care of your urgent needs should be possible, and you should have the flexibility to adjust the level of support as needed. Businesses nowadays must be dynamic, and the same should apply to your accountant.

How to choose best accounting firm for startups


In conclusion, accounting is critical to the success of startups because it ensures compliance and offers valuable financial insights. Experience, relationships, and fit with your career objectives should be given top priority when selecting an accountant. Jordensky is an expert in creating customized accounting solutions for new businesses, giving them the help and flexibility they require to expand and be successful. Jordansky recognizes the particular difficulties that successful startups confront. Our specialized accounting solutions are made to work alongside your company, giving you the guidance and assistance you require to succeed in the competitive market of today. Our services include tax planning, financial analysis, and strategic advice to help your startup realize its full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What should be considered first when creating the best accounting ecosystem for a startup?

A: Start by assessing the startup's specific needs, including transaction volume, industry requirements, and budget constraints.

Q: What is the best accounting method for startups?

A: The ideal method depends on the startup's size and complexity. Accrual accounting offers comprehensive insights, while cash accounting provides simplicity, often favored by smaller startups.

Q: What is the chart of accounts for a startup?

A: It typically includes categories like assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses, tailored to reflect the startup's unique financial structure and operations.

Q: How to start an accounting business?

A: Obtain relevant certifications, build a client base, set up accounting software, and establish clear communication channels. Networking and marketing efforts are essential for growth.

Q: What technology tools are essential for managing accounting tasks in a startup?

A: Utilize accounting software, cloud-based solutions, and digital payment platforms to automate tasks, enhance accuracy, and improve efficiency, allowing startups to focus on growth and innovation.

Akash Bagrecha

Co-Founder of Jordensky