Burn Rate Calculator

See how long it will take your company to turn a profit by using our burn rate calculator.This formula is essential to assessing sustainability and can be especially useful for new businesses in determining the most appropriate time, location, and amount of capital to spend in their venture.


Burn Rate:

₹0.00 (per month)

Cash Runway:

0 month

How Burn Rate Calculator work?

A burn rate calculator calculates the distinction between the cash inflows and outflows to your employer over a given time body, commonly a month.

Here's a breakdown:

  • Cash inflows: Revenue from sales or every other profits resources.
  • Cash outflows: All of your company's fees, consisting of advertising, lease, and salaries.
  • Calculation: Your starting coins balance is subtracted from your monthly cash outflows using the calculator. This indicates you your cash balance at the end of the month.

Burn Rate: The distinction between your starting and finishing cash stability (coins outflow) is then divided by the quantity of months in the length (typically 1 for monthly calculations) to determine the burn rate. This indicates the month-to-month "burn" of cash to your corporation.

What is the monthly burn rate formula?

You have to find 3 thing from you business

  • Starting Cash Balance
  • Ending Cash Balance
  • Total Monthly Expenses

For calculate the burn rate use this formula below

Burn Rate (per month) = (Starting Cash Balance + Total Monthly Revenue) - Total Monthly Expenses

What is Gross burn rate?

The total amount of operating expenses a firm experiences each month is represented by a financial term called gross burn, which is frequently employed by startups and venture-financed companies. This can cover all of the expenses associated with operating the firm, including rent, utilities, software subscriptions, salaries, marketing, and any other extra costs. It's an essential metric to evaluate a business's spending patterns and financial standing, and it's frequently used to assess the viability of ongoing operations and direct strategic decision-making.

How to Calculate the Gross Burn The procedure of calculating gross burn is simple. It just entails adding up all of the monthly running expenses.

Now let's examine the formula - Gross Burn Rate = Total Monthly Operating Costs

The outcome is the gross burn rate, which shows a company's whole capital drain.

What is Net Burn?

Startups use Net Burn Rate, a financial indicator, to monitor how rapidly they burn venture money while taking into account the revenue generated by the business. Companies can estimate their runway and assess their financial health with the use of this statistic.

Net Burn Rate and revenue are often measured month-to-month for Software businesses. By deducting all costs from all revenue and dividing the result by the number of months in the measurement period, you can calculate the net burn rate. Any money generated is taken into this computation, which has a chance to reduce the gross burn rate.

In general, knowing your Net Burn Rate can be a key component for getting further funding and can assist you in making well-informed decisions on the financial future of your firm.

Now let's examine the formula - Net Burn Rate = (Monthly Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold) - Gross Burn Rate

The outcome is the net burn , which shows a company's whole net drain.