Over allotment Option

An Over-Allotment Option grants investors the right to exercise the First Refusal and Come Along Rights of fellow investors who choose not to utilize their own privileges. It adds a layer of flexibility in investment scenarios.

What it Means:

The Over-Allotment Option empowers investors by allowing them to step in and utilize the rights of others who opt out. This strategic provision enhances the adaptability of investors, ensuring a dynamic approach to investment decisions.

How to Calculate:

Calculating the impact of the Over-Allotment Option involves assessing the number of investors not exercising their First Refusal or Come Along Rights. The option enables active investors to capitalize on these unutilized opportunities.

Why Measure:

Measuring the effectiveness of the Over-Allotment Option is crucial for investors seeking maximum flexibility in investment scenarios. It provides a safety net, allowing proactive engagement with opportunities that might otherwise remain dormant.


Consider an Indian startup attracting investors with Over-Allotment Options. Investor A chooses not to exercise their rights, but Investor B, holding the Over-Allotment Option, steps in to utilize those rights, ensuring a seamless and efficient investment process.

For Indian founders navigating the investment landscape, understanding the Over-Allotment Option is a strategic move. It promotes an environment where investment decisions are not rigid but rather dynamic and responsive to evolving scenarios.