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How to Create a Startup Budget in 6 Easy Steps

Budgeting and forecasting can be intimidating, so we've simplified the process into a step-by-step approach.

How to Create a Startup Budget in 6 Easy Steps
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Every rupee counts when it comes to a startup budget. If you're like most small business entrepreneurs, you're starting with less than 500,000 in the bank.

According to survey, 61% of small business owners do not have an official budget to run an startup.

Furthermore, many startups engage in aggressive growth-hacking tactics in order to make the largest impact with the least amount of money which leaves little room for sloppy financial planning or unexpected cash shortages.

Budgeting and forecasting can be intimidating and difficult for first time founders, so we've simplified the process into a step-by-step approach.

Our Goal of Creating a budget should be to allows you to anticipate your startup costs, track your cash flow, and stay lean from day one. You can use these methods whether you use accounting software, a digital spreadsheet, or pencil and paper or not.

Why Startups should prepare a Budget ?

A startup budget is a straightforward explanation of how you intend to use your funds and meet anticipated business costs. A budget is essential whether you are a pre-revenue or later-stage software company.

A budget is the ultimate tool for determining how much money you'll need to make it through the first few months before you debut. At this point, it will be a reasonable projection based on market research and your best guesses. Without this blueprint, you risk running out of money too soon or spending it inefficiently.

Your budget becomes an analytics tool after you're up and going. You can examine how you're distributing resources and whether your team is spending and earning as you expected. This allows you to identify critical questions and opportunities for cost savings and company investments early on.

For example, if paid advertising is your highest-cost category, is every channel delivering high-quality leads? Is it necessary to negotiate longer payment terms in order to free up funds for sluggish months? Is your spending actually aligned with the key performance indicators (KPIs) of each team?

Budgets that are well-crafted provide direct answers or point you in the correct direction.

Why Budgeting is Crucial for Success

Creating a startup budget does more than just help you avoid early financial blunders. In the long term, it allows you to make more educated decisions. Here are a few more reasons why startups should schedule time for regular budgeting:

  • Using actual business data, you can finance to scale while avoiding premature fundraising or overborrowing.
  • You can decide when to recruit personnel, purchase equipment, and otherwise invest in your company.
  • You can more accurately predict your break-even point and tweak factors as necessary.
  • You can anticipate cash shortages and set aside funds, or you can bargain with suppliers and lenders ahead of time.
  • You can identify and arrange for retained earnings ahead of time.
  • You can allocate extra funds to your startup's emergency fund.
  • You can create reliable financial statements for investors and lenders, such as a balance sheet or income statement.

A good plan implemented today is preferable to a perfect plan implemented next week. Let's go over the six steps for creating your startup budget so you can see the results.

How to Prepare a Startup Budget in 6 Easy Steps

You may establish a viable startup budget without estimating expenditures to the cent or forecasting the future accurately. Forecasting estimates based on market research, competitor analysis, and vendor quotes is standard for a startup company. Some of these figures may already be in your possession as a result of your research and development efforts.

The most important thing to remember is to keep your assumptions and projections as conservative as possible. It is preferable to underestimate revenue while overestimating expenses.

Now, let's go over how to define your revenue and expenses, analyze the data, and make changes.

Step 1: Gather your tools and set a target budget

You can handwrite your startup budget in a notepad. Alternatively, use the budgeting functions of popular corporate accounting software to expedite the process. Your general budget will immediately change if you integrate your other financial tools, such as your business bank account. There's no need to sift through each app to figure out your monthly spending.

Another user-friendly budgeting alternative is a spreadsheet tool such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel. In any event, there are numerous free startup budget templates to choose from. Choose one with an easy-to-use interface and the required timeline. To test the calculations, enter sample numbers into the spreadsheet. That way, you won't spend hours entering data just to discover that the spreadsheet doesn't work.

Step 2: List your essential Startup Costs

Startup costs are the expenses and assets purchased before launching your business. These are the essential purchases—the resources you must have in order to launch your firm and begin selling.

You'll need to budget for two types of startup costs:

  • Startup assets : These are one-time acquisitions of liquid and nonliquid assets such as merchandise, computers, furniture, vehicles, real estate, and security deposits. Remember that startup assets, often known as capital expenditures, are not tax deductible.
  • Startup costs: These are the fixed or variable costs you incur prior to opening your business. Before you launch, initial expenses such as rent and payroll are evaluated. Startup costs are deductible.

Office space, organising fees, trademarks, and patents are further examples of startup costs.

Where feasible, break down each expense. You will not, for example, pay a single fee for "website costs." Include a web name, content management system, online shopping cart, design, images, and anything else you intend to purchase separately. Examine the normal pricing range for typical startup expenditures.

Step 3: Determine your Fixed Costs for runining business

The next stage is to calculate your fixed costs, sometimes referred to as overhead costs. These are monthly company expenses that are generally the same.

Monthly expenses for a new business could include:

  • Rent or mortgage
  • Payroll and benefits
  • Business insurance
  • Website hosting
  • Internet and phone services
  • Professional services
  • Bank fees

Don't forget to set aside money for spending on each fixed cost. If you recruit an in-house social media specialist, they will want more than a salary and benefits package. They'll need tools for the job, such as a desk, a laptop, and marketing software. More examples of fixed costs can be found in this list of business expense categories.

Step 4: Determine your Variable Costs for Running Business

Variable expenses fluctuate in proportion to your sales and output, thus they rarely have a fixed monthly cost. These costs often rise as you scale up, and vice versa.

The following are some examples of variable costs:

  • Raw materials
  • Advertising spend
  • Utilities
  • Equipment
  • Shipping costs
  • Business income taxes
  • Transportation
  • Travel and events
  • Freelance services

Step 5: Calculate your Monthly Revenue of MRR

Following that, you must forecast your earnings for each type of income source. Without previous sales data for your company, it's best to make at least two sets of revenue projections: optimistic and conservative.

Estimate how frequently your client personas will buy your product or service. Consider things like your total addressable market, possible market share, and market dynamics right now. You can also use your break-even analysis to calculate a monthly sales forecast. Consider any variables that may limit monthly revenue increase.

The following are some potential revenue and funding sources:

  • Product or service sales
  • Business or corporate credit card
  • Loans
  • Savings
  • Investment income

Step 6: Tally up your total costs, then review and adjust

In your business budget template, enter your monthly expense estimates and determine how much you'll need to get started. Hopefully, you've budgeted for overspending and an emergency fund.

In the early months of a new business, it's reasonable to expect some deficit expenditure. However, if your budget goal sounded considerably better on paper, you can make changes before borrowing extra money.

Examine your spending and categorise them as necessary (must-haves) or discretionary (nice-to-haves). Start with discretionary spending and decide which costs you can eliminate, minimise, or save for later.


Budgeting is essential for a successful startup business, just as it is for any other process. We've discussed the importance of a stable budget for a startup, as well as the various budget options available. Then we learned about the steps you should take to create a startup budget. Finally, we discussed the difficulties you may encounter when creating a budget and how to regain control of the situation.

The best part about budgeting for a startup is that you can experiment with hundreds of trends to see what works best for you. Focus on financial practises that are appropriate for your company's needs to achieve financial balance throughout the year!

About Jordensky

At Jordensky we want to ensure that small businesses continue to thrive while we provide them the best inputs using the latest technology and tools.

Jordensky helps you in accounting, taxes, MIS, and CFO services for Startups and growing business and are focused on delivering an experience of unparalleled quality.

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Akash Bagrecha

Co-Founder of Jordensky