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Definitive Guide to Create a Dashboard for E-Commerce Business

Definitive Guide to Create a Dashboard for E-Commerce Business in 2022 to help understand the profitability and measure performance

Definitive Guide to Create a Dashboard for E-Commerce Business
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The Definitive Guide to create Dashboard for E-Commerce Business

When it comes to running a successful E-commerce business there’s alot to keep track of. From high-level metrics like revenue or number of orders,down to more detailed information such as customer feedback, there simply isn’t one ecommerce analytics tool that covers it all.

So how can you, as a business owner, manage all the various components of your e-commerce business without wasting minutes or even hours each time you need to search for some crucial information?

As many online retailers are learning, one possible solution is to create a dashboard specifically for your e-commerce site that contains metrics and other information you need to monitor on a regular basis. This dashboard will allow you to spot trends and other problems with your online e-com business that may need your attention. For example, if you are using E-Commerce hosting, you may wish to create a dashboard and choose KPIs for uptime and overall performance in terms of speed. This provides quick information about the performance of your website.

In this article, we'll examine what an ecommerce dash board is, a few distinct types of dashboards, and how they may assist you and other members of your company in staying on top of the key performance indicators.

What is an E-Commerce Dashboard?

In its most basic form, an ecommerce dashboard is a carefully selected collection of metrics, KPIs, and other data that is intended to clearly show trends, anomalies, and information about an online business that routinely need attention.

Dashboards are different from more advanced ecommerce analytics tools and reports in that they are designed to reveal only the data that visitors are likely to find most interesting, rather than every indicator that can be sliced and diced in any number of ways..

That is not to imply that reports and analytics are not useful; nevertheless, larger retailers, in particular, will require customized analytics solutions to examine the specifics of their online business performance. However, if you're in charge of a smaller online business or are an offline retailer who is just starting to sell online, a few properly picked indicators will probably be more useful to you than a wealth of data.

‘Metrics of what kind, you ask? Simply put, there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to what metrics should be displayed on an ecommerce dashboard due to the vast array of businesses that exist. An organic food company that caters to a local community, for example, will have quite different requirements than an online sports shoe brand that sells its products worldwide.

Additionally, depending on the scope and complexity of the operation, an e-commerce company may think about developing a number of dashboards to monitor various aspects of the business, including website performance, fulfilment, ad performance across marketing, and support requests.

 Numerous small businesses begin their dashboard journey by depending on the dashboards that are already there in their ecommerce platform(e.g. Shopify). These solutions are simple to use and quick to get up and running, but they are difficult to customize for your company's unique needs or to compare data from different sources. They also frequently do not provide good service to companies with several stores. 

Benefits of an E-commerce Dashboard for your company?

As we've learned, dashboards are there to give you and others in your business just enough information so that you can take appropriate action throughout the day, not to present a lot of information or reveal long-term insights.

Making sure that any significant flaws or problems are quickly identified so they may be remedied is one of the most frequent types of use cases that a dashboard supports. Dashboards can notify you of a variety of things, including:

  • Website downtime
  • Build ups of support queries
  • Order fulfilment issues
  • Low stock
  • Drop offs in ad performance
  • Negative PR or social media backlash
  • Dashboards don’t just help with monitoring your operations in real time though. Another important use for them is as a powerful team motivation tool.

Seeing the immediate effects of their labor can greatly increase motivation for team members, whether they are extrinsically or intrinsically motivated. Important sales data disclosure, demonstrating progress toward financial targets, and emphasizing other critical business KPI scan all help to maintain employee engagement and frequently act as the trigger for healthy competition that motivates the team to achieve more. Additionally, it is beneficial to promote a strong data-driven culture, as this can have a significant impact on the company as a whole.

Another essential way dashboards can benefit your e-commerce firm is by saving time and effort for everyone in your organization to access data. Dashboards compile data into a concise perspective that is simple to share, bookmark, or even hang on the walls of your office. A single thoughtful dashboard may ensure that data is simply a click or a quick glance away, eliminating the need to log into another application and go through its contents to locate the number you need. Even if it only takes a few minutes each day, when everyone in the company who needs to verify their numbers frequently adds it up, it can add up to some significant time savings.

Examples of E-Commerce Dashboard

The exact dashboards you require and the metrics that should be displayed on them vary greatly from business to business, and the best dashboards always reflect the needs of your organization at the time being.

The following are a few variables that could have a significant impact on the type of dashboard's you build:

  • What kinds of things you sell, and do people often buy them on a regular basis or just once?
  • Regardless of whether you're marketing to individuals or corporations (B2C)
  • Whether you're running a drop shipping business or outsourcing fulfilment, delivery, and support in its entirety
  • Whether you cater to regional, global, or local markets
  • Seasonality
  • How many distinct items are available in your online business
  • Quantity of orders
  • Anticipations regarding delivery dates

A dashboard that works for one business may not make sense for another because these characteristics differ from industry to industry. To get ideas for your own dashboard, it's usually helpful to view some instances of what's possible. The dashboard examples shown below illustrate some typical use cases and patterns.

“Is the store working right now?” dashboard

Are orders arriving successfully? Is there a problem with the website or fulfilment? This type of dashboard exists to provide you with the answers to these concerns, the assurance that the crucial aspects of your organization are operating without a hitch, and the ability to rapidly identify any problems so they can be corrected.

Jordensky_E-commerce Dashboard


“Are there any problems in the business right now?” Dashboard

These dashboards not only highlight the aforementioned priority areas but also operational and business data that, if not constantly watched, can quickly have detrimental ripple effects.

Jordensky_E-commerce Dashboard

“Weekly or Monthly Store Performance” Dashboard

The dashboard sections mentioned above concentrate on vital indicators that aid in your survival. This kind of dashboard has a slightly broader focus and is centered on measures that can help you succeed. "Are we on schedule to meet the goal for this month?" "Are sales increasing?" What items are working the best? If these queries are routinely addressed, they can assist guarantee that an online store is operating well and profitably.

“Marketing performance” dashboard

Numerous tiny things can have a significant influence on your bottom line if you aren't on top of them. There are several strategies to attract visitors to your online business. It pays to be aware of what's happening, even when you have no direct influence over it, so you can lessen any unfavorable effects.

“Are there any customer support issues right now?” Dashboard

To make sure your team is providing excellent service and making customers happy, it's crucial for stores that prioritize customer experience to stay on top of key metrics like CSAT and ticket volumes.

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The dashboard examples listed above are by no means exhaustive (you can view more dashboard examples in our gallery here), but they should give you an idea of some of the potential routes to take if you plan to create a dashboard for your ecommerce company.

About Jordensky

At Jordensky, we specialize in accounting, taxes, MIS, and CFO services for Startups and growing business and are focused on delivering an experience of unparalleled quality.

When you work with Jordensky, you get a team of finance experts who take the finance work off your plate – ”so you can focus on your business.”

Akash Bagrecha

Co-Founder of Jordensky