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Count on Us: The Ultimate Guide to Outsourcing Your Accounting and Finance Functions

By outsourcing your accounting and finance functions to Jordensky, you can free up valuable time and resources, reduce overhead costs

Count on Us: The Ultimate Guide to Outsourcing Your Accounting and Finance Functions
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Introduction to the concept of outsourcing accounting and finance functions

Financial management is critical for the success of growing companies. Accounting and finance activity, on the other hand, can be time-consuming, complicated, and costly to manage. This is where outsourcing can help businesses concentrate on their core competencies while lowering operational expenses.

Accounting and finance functions are outsourced by collaborating with an external service provider to manage financial processes such as bookkeeping, financial reporting, tax preparation, and payroll processing. Outsourcing enables businesses to tap into professional expertise, reduce errors, and increase efficiency, all of which can result in cost savings and better company performance.

We will look at the advantages of outsourcing accounting and finance tasks for growing businesses in this guide. We will also discuss how to select the appropriate outsourcing partner, successfully manage the outsourcing relationship, and identify the specific accounting and finance functions to outsource. You will have a thorough understanding of how outsourcing can improve your financial management and help your business grow by the conclusion of this guide.

When to Outsource Accounting and Finance Functions

Accounting and finance duties can be time-consuming, complicated, and costly to manage as a growing company. This is where outsourcing can help businesses concentrate on their core competencies while lowering operational expenses. In this article, we will discuss the various indicators that indicate the need for accounting and finance tasks to be outsourced, as well as provide insights into how outsourcing can help surmount these challenges.

Lack of Expertise

Accounting and finance duties necessitate specialised knowledge and skills. If your company lacks the expertise to handle these tasks, errors, inefficiencies, and missed opportunities can occur. Outsourcing to a service provider with specialised knowledge and expertise can give your company access to a skilled workforce, which can improve financial processes and guarantee compliance.

Increased Workload

The accounting and finance functions' workload can rise considerably as your company grows. Managing this task in-house may result in overburdened employees and increased costs. Outsourcing to a service provider can assist in effectively managing workload, allowing your staff to concentrate on core business functions.

Reduced Efficiency

Accounting and finance procedures that are inefficient can result in higher costs and lower profitability. Outsourcing to a service provider can aid in the streamlining of financial processes, the reduction of errors, and the improvement of efficiency, all of which result in cost savings and improved company performance.

Cost Savings

Accounting and finance functions can be outsourced for substantial cost savings. Outsourcing allows you to save money on hiring and training employees, buying equipment and software, and maintaining an in-house team.

Focus on Core Competencies

Accounting and finance functions can be outsourced, allowing your company to concentrate on core competencies such as sales and marketing while leaving financial management to experts. This can contribute to increased company performance, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, outsourcing accounting and finance functions can provide numerous benefits for growing businesses. If your business is experiencing a lack of expertise, increased workload, reduced efficiency, or a desire to focus on core competencies, outsourcing may be the solution.

Outsourcing vs In-House Accounting and Finance Functions

Businesses have two choices for managing accounting and finance function: outsource them or keep them in-house. Both options have advantages and disadvantages that businesses must thoroughly consider before making a decision. In this article, we will compare the pros and cons of outsourcing accounting and finance functions versus in-house accounting and finance functions.

Pros of Outsourcing Accounting and Finance Functions

1. Access to expertise: By outsourcing accounting and finance tasks, businesses gain access to specialised knowledge and expertise, which can lead to improved financial processes and regulatory compliance.

2. Cost savings: When compared to hiring and keeping an in-house team, outsourcing can result in significant cost savings. This includes salary, perks, training, and equipment costs.

3. Flexibility: Outsourcing gives businesses staffing flexibility, enabling them to scale up or down as required without incurring additional costs.

4. Reduced Workload: Outsourcing accounting and finance functions can help reduce staff workload, allowing them to concentrate on essential business functions.

5. Improved Efficiency: Outsourcing can streamline financial operations and reduce errors, resulting in increased productivity and cost savings.

Cons of Outsourcing Accounting and Finance Functions

1. Communication issues: Outsourcing can cause communication issues, especially when working with providers in various time zones or languages.
Control loss:

2. Loss of Control: Outsourcing involves handing over control of accounting and finance functions to an external provider, which can be problematic for some companies.

3. Security risks: If confidential financial data is mishandled or compromised, outsourcing can pose security risks.

Pros of In-House Accounting and Finance Functions

1. Control: By keeping accounting and finance responsibilities in-house, businesses can maintain complete control over these processes.

2. Familiarity: Internal employees are acquainted with the company's financial processes and systems, which can lead to increased efficiency and accuracy.

3. Customization: Internal staff can tailor financial processes to the specific requirements of the company.

4. Security: Security and confidentiality can be improved by keeping financial info in-house.

Cons of In-House Accounting and Finance Functions

1. Cost: Because of expenses such as salaries, benefits, training, and equipment, maintaining an in-house staff can be costly.

2. Lack of Expertise: In-house staff may lack specialised knowledge and experience, resulting in errors, inefficiencies, and missed chances.

3. Reduced flexibility: In-house personnel can be less flexible than outsourcing, limiting a company's ability to scale up or down as needed.

To summarize, both outsourcing and in-house accounting and finance tasks have advantages and disadvantages. Before deciding which option is best for them, businesses must thoroughly consider their specific needs and circumstances. Outsourcing can offer access to specialised knowledge, cost savings, flexibility, and increased productivity, whereas in-house staffing offers greater control, familiarity, customization, and security.

How to choose the Right Accounting and Finance Outsourcing Partner

Choosing the best accounting and finance outsourcing partner is essential to a company's success. Outsourcing these functions can save companies time and money while also ensuring regulatory compliance and improving financial processes. Choosing the wrong outsourcing partner, on the other hand, can result in costly mistakes, delays, and reputational harm. In this post, we'll go over the variables to consider when selecting an accounting and finance outsourcing partner.

Right Accounting and Finance Outsourcing Partner


The outsourcing partner should be knowledgeable in the fields of accounting and finance that the company requires. Knowledge of regulations, tax statutes, and financial reporting standards is required. The partner should also have industry expertise and understand the business's unique challenges and opportunities.


The reputation of the outsourcing partner is important. The company should investigate the partner's track record and study customer reviews. References and testimonials from satisfied customers should be provided by the partner.


When outsourcing accounting and finance tasks, effective communication is critical. The outsourcing partner's communication channels should be clear and timely, and they should be responsive to the requirements of the company. Language proficiency and cultural understanding are also required, especially when working with a global partner.


The outsourcing partner should have up-to-date accounting and financial technology and systems. The partner should be able to provide real-time access to financial data and reports, as well as have secure data handling and storage processes in place.


The cost of outsourcing accounting and finance tasks is an essential factor to consider. The company should evaluate prices from various providers and ensure that pricing is transparent and predictable. The company should also think about the possible cost savings from outsourcing, such as lower salaries and benefits and better financial procedures.


The outsourcing partner should be adaptable to the changing needs of the company. The partner should be able to scale up or down as required and provide customised solutions for the business.

Service level agreements (SLAs):

Service level agreements (SLAs) that define the scope of services, performance standards, and deliverables should be in place with the outsourcing partner. SLAs should also contain rules for dispute resolution, confidentiality, and data security.

What are key accounting and finance functions to outsource

Outsourcing accounting and finance tasks can provide significant benefits to businesses, such as increased efficiency, cost savings, and better accuracy. Not all accounting and finance tasks, however, must be outsourced. It is critical to assess which functions are the best candidates for outsourcing based on the company's specific requirements and goals. In this post, we will look at how to determine which accounting and finance tasks should be outsourced.

Transaction processing

Accounts payable and receivable, invoicing, and bank reconciliations are all excellent candidates for outsourcing. These tasks are time-consuming and require a high degree of accuracy, making them ideal for delegation to an expert team.

Accounting and Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping and record keeping duties are also excellent candidates for outsourcing. These responsibilities include keeping accurate financial documents, such as the general ledger, cash flow statements, and balance sheets.

Tax Compliance

Tax compliance is an important function for companies, but it can be complicated and time-consuming. Outsourcing tax compliance functions such as tax return preparation and filing can guarantee regulatory compliance while freeing up time for the business to concentrate on core operations.

Financial analysis and reporting

Financial analysis and reporting duties such as financial statement preparation, budgeting, and forecasting necessitate specialised knowledge and expertise. Outsourcing these tasks can provide valuable insights into the company's financial health while freeing up internal resources for strategic planning.

Audit and assurance

Audit and assurance duties necessitate specialised knowledge and expertise. Outsourcing these tasks can help ensure regulatory compliance and provide independent verification of financial statements.

Finally, determining which accounting and finance functions to outsource necessitates a thorough examination of the company's specific needs and objectives.


Accounting and finance tasks can be outsourced to provide significant benefits to growing businesses, such as increased efficiency, cost savings, and better accuracy. Businesses can free up internal resources to concentrate on core operations and strategic planning by outsourcing these functions, while also ensuring regulatory compliance and improving financial processes. However, choosing the right outsourcing partner and successfully managing the relationship are critical to the success of outsourcing.

The outsourcing partner must possess the required knowledge, reputation, communication, technology, cost, flexibility, and service level agreements. Effective communication and a clear grasp of expectations and deliverables are also required for successfully managing the outsourcing relationship. Growing businesses can reap the benefits of outsourcing accounting and finance functions by choosing the right outsourcing partner and managing the relationship effectively.

FAQ on outsourcing accouting and finance function

1. What accounting and finance tasks are available for outsourcing?

Answer: Transaction processing, bookkeeping and record-keeping, tax compliance, financial analysis and reporting, and audit and assurance are all accounting and finance tasks that can be outsourced.

2. How do I know if outsourcing accounting and finance tasks is the best option for my company?

Answer: Lack of expertise, increased workload, decreased efficiency, and cost savings are all indicators that accounting and financial duties should be outsourced. Before deciding whether to outsource, it is critical to assess the company's specific needs and objectives.

3. How do I select the best accounting and financial outsourcing partner?

Answer: When selecting an accounting and finance outsourcing partner, consider experience, reputation, communication, technology, cost, flexibility, and service level agreements. A clear understanding of expectations and deliverables is also required for successful outsourcing relationship management.

4. How can I profit from outsourcing accounting and finance functions in my expanding business?

Answer: Outsourcing accounting and finance tasks can provide significant benefits for growing businesses, such as increased efficiency, cost savings, improved accuracy, regulatory compliance, and valuable insights into the business's financial health. Businesses can free up internal resources to concentrate on core operations and strategic planning by outsourcing these functions.

At Jordensky, we understand the challenges businesses face in managing their accounting and finance functions. That's why we offer outsourcing services to help streamline and optimize these critical areas of your business. Our team of experienced and certified accountants can provide comprehensive accounting and finance support, including financial reporting, budgeting and forecasting, tax planning and compliance, payroll processing, and more.

By outsourcing your accounting and finance functions to Jordensky, you can free up valuable time and resources, reduce overhead costs, and gain access to expert financial expertise. Contact us today to learn more about how our outsourcing services can help your business thrive financially.

Akash Bagrecha

Co-Founder of Jordensky